About Us
The Malta Democratic Committee is the official Democratic Party organization for the Town of Malta. The Democratic Committee is comprised of up to 24 elected committee people, 2 from each of Malta’s 12 election districts. The Democratic committee is headed by a chairperson, and there is a vice chair, secretary, and treasure.
The primary role of the Committee is to select Democratic candidates for town office and to circulate nominating petitions to secure a place on the ballot. Along with committee members from other towns and cities serving Saratoga County, the Malta Democratic Committee helps to select county-wide Democratic Party candidates.
The Malta Democratic Committee hosts frequent organizational meetings and social gatherings for residents in the Town. All residents, regardless of political affiliation, are invited to attend the meetings and social events. To find the dates and locations of our meetings and social events you can follow us on Facebook or be added to our email list by submitting a request to Malta.Democrats@gmail.com.