Barbara Conner Calls on Global Foundries to be Good Environmental Stewards
On Tuesday, February 20, I was pleased to attend (along with Supervisor Young) the formal announcement at Global Foundries in Malta, where top state and federal officials gathered to celebrate $3.1 billion in federal funding, half of which is an outright grant, for a second chip plant here in our town.
New York State is also expected to offer a tax credit package for Global Foundries that will require them to address climate change as part of the project.
While adding new jobs. the expansion will increase truck and car traffic in Malta. I strongly encourage, Global Foundries to build at least one parking garage with a smaller “footprint” rather than pave over more acres of what is currently woodland. Global Foundries should work jointly with the Town of Malta. Saratoga County, and CDTA to provide bus service to its plant, and construct sidewalks and a bike lane on the approach road. These steps would reduce air emissions and minimize tree-cutting on land owned by Global Foundries in Luther Forest, which would help the state meet climate-change goals, preserve wildlife habitat, and reduce runoff pollution into Saratoga Lake.
Last November, I was elected to the Malta Town Board with this platform. Protecting the environment is what the residents of this town, state and nation want and deserve for the billions of dollars which they have invested in GlobalFoundries.